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Company history 

The Bushcraft Company was founded in 2009, in the beginning we were running Bushcraft workshops in schools and wanted to offer a more immersive and engaging experience. This propelled us to evolve into The Bushcraft Company that exists today.

For many years schools have been taking their students on multi activity residentials with the well-known companies. The outdoor industry has become overcome with large multi activity corporations offering a carousel of highly sanitized activity sessions, with many students repeating an experience they had during primary school at secondary school.

Our immersive experiences are different to any other residential the school may have experienced. Based in a beautiful woodland setting our trips develop resilience, teamwork and problem-solving abilities. Our adventures promote personal growth, independence and self-confidence, empowering students to face challenges head on.

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How we choose locations 

Our camps take place at some of the most beautiful natural woodland locations in the UK.

What we look for:
• Stunning settings
• Prestigious estates and homes
• Private woodlands
• Secure locations
• Abundance of nature

Being in the right location is paramount to having an amazing experience on our camps. By selecting camps based on the above criteria we can ensure that all students who visit get a real outdoor adventure.

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Over 400 schools visit on average per year – each with their own private camp!

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Ask Us Anything – We’re Here to Help!

Planning your trip but not sure about the details? Our team is ready to help – let’s make this easy!