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Emily Skivington | 24 March 2023
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As we approach summer term, more and more schools will be embarking on school trips ranging from day visits to week-long residentials. While students will be excited to visit new places and try new things and teachers will look forward to a break from the classroom they might be wondering: why do they go on school trips?

A school trip is any excursion outside of the school which students go on, they can be for educational purposes or a celebration of an achievement or to mark a milestone. Whatever the reason for embarking on a school trip, they are highly anticipated times of the year for all involved.

With the options to go on cultural trips, international trips, adventure trips and more, there is a lot of choice for teachers and school administrators. The type of trip students go on will relate to the trip’s objectives.

School trips and residentials are very beneficial to the learning and development of students. Experiential learning and putting their minds to new and exciting tasks allows children to apply different methods of problem solving and creative thinking. Exposing students to different environments and activities also opens up new ways of viewing the world. Not to mention, by focusing the attention on the student and their ability to take on new challenges in a new setting school trips give students increased independence and enhanced social skills.

And the benefits don’t stop with the students – these trips are great ways to improve student-teacher relationships and allow teachers to gain a better understanding of how their students tackle different challenges. Teachers also will get the benefit of time outside the classroom and in many cases get to hand over the reins of leading students to someone else, allowing them to get fully engaged in the fun activities on offer.

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Going on a residential school trip with The Bushcraft Company takes students into a brand new setting and immerses them in a fun and exciting environment to learn new skills and challenge themselves. Getting back to basics with the nature with real outdoor experiences gives your students the chance to grow. With a range of fun activities that test everything from motor skills and problem solving to teamwork and communication, a school trip with The Bushcraft Company is a great way for children to learn away from the classroom.

Are you looking to book your next school activity trip? Find a location near you.

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