Residential school trips are a vital part of the curriculum and a time of the year students really look forward to. Not only do they offer students the chance to experience a different type of learning outside the classroom – and have lots of fun while doing so – they benefit students and teachers in ways they recognise in the classroom and beyond.
In a report for Learning Away on the impacts of residentials for both students and teachers, the following key benefits (and more) emerged:
According to the report, 78% of key stage 2 (KS2) and 87% of secondary students felt more confident to try new things following their residential. Building confidence in students is critical as they navigate through their education and in everyday life. Having the confidence to ask more questions, challenge views and speak their opinion will have an outstanding effect on personal growth.
Taking a step back from the classroom environment and approaching learning in different and exciting ways that can resonate better seeps back into day-to-day education. Following residentials, 60% of secondary students said they had a better understanding of what they were trying to learn, as well as 82% of KS2 students highlighting that the lessons and their teachers on the residential helped them to learn.
Developing and enhancing skills at residentials is not just for the students, teachers can reap the rewards of a well-planned and well-executed residential. Interacting with and observing students in new and diverse environments gives teachers the opportunity to understand their students strengths and weakness better – 78% of staff recognised this, as referenced in the report.
Whether you’re contemplating where to take your students on their next residential or reminiscing on the successes of a recent school trip, understanding how they benefit students and teachers is key.
At The Bushcraft Company, we work with teachers and schools to make sure our trips are tailored for learning experiences that reflect back into your classrooms and everyday life. If you’re interested in taking your students on a fun back-to-nature outdoor residential, find a Bushcraft camp location near you.